WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. MINUTE of the FIRST MEETING of the CNPA Food Marketing Working Group CNPA Office, Grantown 17th June 2004, 2pm Present Eleanor Macintosh CNPA Board Alastair MacLennan CNPA Board Lucy Grant CNPA Board Andrew Rafferty CNPA Board In Attendance Siobhan Macdonald CNPA Staff Apologies Bruce Luffman CNPA Board Welcome and Apologies 1. The initial meeting of the Food marketing Working Group was held in the CNPA office in Grantown. Siobhan Macdonald welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies from Bruce Luffman. There was no need for formal introductions as Members were well acquainted. BUSINESS 2. Selection of Chairman: Members agreed to appoint Eleanor Macintosh as chairman. 3. Paper 1 - Discussion of Purpose: The purpose of the group, defined in the Board paper agreed in October 2003, to develop and implement new approaches to produce marketing under a CNP brand and/or umbrella mechanism was discussed. The need to start work on a food marketing project was agreed, as it was felt that this was a project that could start on a small scale by providing assistance in training and marketing; more producers could join as interest arose; changes to agricultural subsidy may encourage more producers to diversify or market directly. 4. Paper 1 - Discussion of Outputs: The short term outputs were agreed, albeit in a different order and timescale to that agreed at the board meeting last October, due to background research required first. 5. The new timescales for the Expected Short Term Outputs: – To produce a report to the CNPA board by end of [Jan ‘05] setting out proposals and procedures for use of the CNPA logo for wider food and other marketing purposes (Note the need to liase with the Tourism group on marketing). To produce a report to the CNPA board by the end of [Spring ‘05] setting detailed proposals for a 3-year food marketing project from April 2005, and including a report summarising information on food businesses already operating in the Park [Oct ‘04]. 6. Paper 2 - breadth of research required for a food marketing project. This paper recommended that a report should be commissioned to determine the number and the types of produce available or potentially available from land based businesses; and the number and range of food processors existing within the Cairngorms National Park. It was agreed that the research was a priority, as the information gathered would help determine what type of help was required for food producers within the Park. This time taken for the research would also impact on the other agreed outputs. The following key points emerged from the discussion: 7. Methodology: It was noted that the style of research would have an impact on the response, e.g. if the research was carried out by questionnaire, then response level is likely to be low. Members recommended that the research should be carried out by telephone or visit. 8. Existing research: It was agreed to find out if similar research had been commissioned by other National Parks, HIE and food marketing groups. Action SM 9. Questionnaire design: It is important that the question’s are carefully designed to provide the answers we need, and we need to vet the questionnaire before the consultant goes ahead; that the person carrying out the research could communicate well with farmers and crofters and other food related businesses. 10. After discussion on whether the research could be carried out ‘in house’ it was decided that it would be quicker if carried out by a consultant. 11. The answers required from the research were discussed. The list of questions will be circulated amongst the group for further comment. Action SM 12. In order to have time to develop the food marketing project, the research results are required by October 2004. The chosen consultant therefore needs to be approached as soon as possible. Action SM 13. AOCB: Brand: There was discussion of Cairngorms National Park brand. The CNPA can give assistance to producers regardless of whether producers use a brand, therefore the food marketing project can develop without waiting for the brand to be developed. However a brand would help promotion and image of food products produced in the area. 14. There was discussion on the use of the brand and the following points were raised: it was felt that it would be extremely important that the brand could only be used on food products that were quality assured; this assurance might mean that products were above current industry standards; a product that had been produced with high environmental standards did not necessarily denote quality. 15. The tourism and marketing group are taking the lead on branding, and the food marketing group will feed in comments. It is recognised that although at this stage the consultants have not been appointed, it is important that the food marketing group are involved when the brand logo is chosen. Action SM 16. The possibility of holding a Farmers Market was discussed. Farmers Markets are not necessarily profitable but do help raise awareness and promote businesses. Concern was expressed that that they might adversely impact on food selling shops on the day they are held, however many businesses have found that the extra interest generated brings in more shoppers, and this is not normally the case. There is a Motor Mania event held in Grantown this September, and this might be an opportunity for a few businesses to try a stall as a trial. Contact will be made with the organiser to find out if there is stall space, and all are to contribute ideas of possible participants. Action SM ALL 17. Date of Next Meeting: It was agreed hold the next meeting on the 2nd of July 2004, at around 3.30pm or at the end of the Board Meeting.